California State Standards covered in the chapter-
- 7.3 Biological evolution accounts for the diversity of species developed through gradual processes over many generations.
- Students know both genetic variation and environment factors are causes of evolution and diversity of organisms.
- Students know the reasoning used by Charles Darwin in reaching his conclusions that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.
- Students know how independent lines of evidence from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy provide the bases for the laws of evolution.
- Students know how to construct a simple branching diagram to classify living groups of organisms by shared derived characteristics and how to expand the diagram to include fossil organisms.
- Students know that extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive characteristics of a species are insufficient for its survival.
- 7.4 Evidence form rocks allows us to understand the evolution of life on Earth.
- Students know fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed.
Chapter 7: The BIG Idea--- What factors have caused the evolution and diversity of organisms?
Monday, 11/19/07 [minimum day]
In class--
Preview: page 219 [textbook]: "Check What You Know." Written answer.
page 220 [text]: "Build Science Vocabulary", do the "Apply It!" at the bottom of the page web code: cvj-2070. "Vocabulary Builder", flash cards.
Vocabulary by section:
- species, fossil, adaptation, evolution, scientific theory, natural selection, variation
- comparative anatomy, homologous structures, mold, cast, petrified fossil, trace fossil, paleontologist, gradualism, punctuated equilibria
- habitat, extinct
- classification, taxonomy, binomial nomenclature, genus, prokaryote, eukaryote
- branching tree diagram, shared derived characteristic
Extra Credit: page 223, "Extinction and Fossils" 20-70 points. Points will be awarded based upon how comprehensive and complex the presentation is.
Tuesday/Wednesday [11/20-21/2007]
In class---
- Cornell note definitions of key terms.
- Sustained silent reading (SSR) [pages 224-231] Cornell notes with answers for the key concepts:
---What important observations did Darwin make on his voyage?
---How did Darwin account for the diversity of species and the differences between similar species?
---How does natural selection lead to evolution?
Thursday/Friday [11/22-23/2007]
Thanksgiving Holiday: Homework--complete Cornell notes for Chapter 7, Section 1
Extra Credit: Reading checkpoints [225, 227]
Monday, 11/26/07 [minimum day]
Check Cornell notes of Chapter 7, Section 1 [10 points]
Video Field Trip: "Changes Over Time"
Presentation Express: Chapter 7, Section 1
No homework
Tuesday/ Wednesday [11/27-28/2007]
In class---
Section 1 Assessment [page 231, 18 points] 12-15 minutes plus 10 minutes to grade.
Extra Credit: [page 231] Writing in Science "Interview"
Skills Lab: page 232 [complete write is due Monday 12/03/2007]
Thursday/Friday [11/29-30/2007]
SSR Chapter 7, Section 2 [pages 234-240]
Cornell notes should cover key terms [page 234] and the key concepts [page 234]
---What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
---How do fossils form?
---What do scientists learn from fossils?
Homework: complete the Cornell notes for Chapter 7, Section 2
Extra Credit: Reading checkpoints [pages 235, 237, 240]