Friday, November 16, 2007

California Life Science, Chapter 7: Changes Over Time

So much to do and so little time:

California State Standards covered in the chapter-

  • 7.3 Biological evolution accounts for the diversity of species developed through gradual processes over many generations.
  1. Students know both genetic variation and environment factors are causes of evolution and diversity of organisms.

  2. Students know the reasoning used by Charles Darwin in reaching his conclusions that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.

  3. Students know how independent lines of evidence from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy provide the bases for the laws of evolution.

  4. Students know how to construct a simple branching diagram to classify living groups of organisms by shared derived characteristics and how to expand the diagram to include fossil organisms.

  5. Students know that extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive characteristics of a species are insufficient for its survival.
  • 7.4 Evidence form rocks allows us to understand the evolution of life on Earth.
  1. Students know fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed.

Chapter 7: The BIG Idea--- What factors have caused the evolution and diversity of organisms?

Monday, 11/19/07 [minimum day]

In class--

Preview: page 219 [textbook]: "Check What You Know." Written answer.
page 220 [text]: "Build Science Vocabulary", do the "Apply It!" at the bottom of the page web code: cvj-2070. "Vocabulary Builder", flash cards.

Vocabulary by section:

  1. species, fossil, adaptation, evolution, scientific theory, natural selection, variation

  2. comparative anatomy, homologous structures, mold, cast, petrified fossil, trace fossil, paleontologist, gradualism, punctuated equilibria

  3. habitat, extinct

  4. classification, taxonomy, binomial nomenclature, genus, prokaryote, eukaryote

  5. branching tree diagram, shared derived characteristic

Extra Credit: page 223, "Extinction and Fossils" 20-70 points. Points will be awarded based upon how comprehensive and complex the presentation is.

Tuesday/Wednesday [11/20-21/2007]

In class---

  1. Cornell note definitions of key terms.

  2. Sustained silent reading (SSR) [pages 224-231] Cornell notes with answers for the key concepts:

---What important observations did Darwin make on his voyage?
---How did Darwin account for the diversity of species and the differences between similar species?
---How does natural selection lead to evolution?

Thursday/Friday [11/22-23/2007]

Thanksgiving Holiday: Homework--complete Cornell notes for Chapter 7, Section 1

Extra Credit: Reading checkpoints [225, 227]


Monday, 11/26/07 [minimum day]

Check Cornell notes of Chapter 7, Section 1 [10 points]

Video Field Trip: "Changes Over Time"
Presentation Express: Chapter 7, Section 1

No homework

Tuesday/ Wednesday [11/27-28/2007]

In class---

Section 1 Assessment [page 231, 18 points] 12-15 minutes plus 10 minutes to grade.

Extra Credit: [page 231] Writing in Science "Interview"

Skills Lab: page 232 [complete write is due Monday 12/03/2007]

Thursday/Friday [11/29-30/2007]

SSR Chapter 7, Section 2 [pages 234-240]

Cornell notes should cover key terms [page 234] and the key concepts [page 234]

---What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
---How do fossils form?
---What do scientists learn from fossils?

Homework: complete the Cornell notes for Chapter 7, Section 2

Extra Credit: Reading checkpoints [pages 235, 237, 240]

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