Sunday, October 21, 2007

Chapter 3, Section 4: The Cell in Its Environment

California Science Standard: S 7.1.a

  • In prior sections students have learned that the cell membrane controls the movement of materials into and out of a cell. Now, they will see how this control occurs.

  • Students know that cells function similarly in all living organisms.

Text Key Concepts/Objectives:

3.4.1 - Describe how most small molecules cross the cell membrane
3.4.2 - Explain why osmosis is important to cells
3.4.3 - Tell the difference between passive transport and active transport.

Monday 10/22/2007 [all blocks]

Open TEXTBOOK quiz. Section 3 Assessment, page 101. [30 points]
Extra credit: Lab Zone At-Home Activity, page 101.

Tuesday 10/23/2007 [blocks 2, 4, 6] / Wednesday 10/24/2007 [blocks 1, 3, 5]

Cornell Notes Key Terms

  1. selectively permeable

  2. diffusion

  3. osmosis

  4. passive transport

  5. active transport

Cornell Notes Section 4, pages 102-107. Large group R.T.

Thursday 10/25/2007 [Blocks 2, 4, 6] / Friday 10/256/2007 [Blocks 1, 3, 5]


Reading and Note Taking Guide [RNTG] pages 65-67
Note: Highlight key concepts/big ideas on page 65

Handouts: "Facilitated Diffusion" "The Cell In Its Environment"
Note: Incomplete handouts are homework.

Looking Ahead:

Monday 10/29/07 [all blocks]
Review and Assessment page 109-110 [Chapter 3, all sections]. Start today and complete in the next block.

Tuesday/Wednesday 10/30-31/07: Finish Chapter 3.

Thursday/Friday 11/01-02/2007: Preparation for Chapter 4. New lab report: "Shine On!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...


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Thanks a lot!
Mark Holland